How to Install template? (Part 2)



I told you about how to find a right blogger template for you in my How to Install template? (Part 1) lesson. You may have already downloaded the template now.
Lets install it now

Follow Most Simple Guide to Install your Favorite Blogger Template

Most of templates you downloaded from the Web are compressed to a ZIP file.therefore you will have to Extract /Unzip your files.
Then you will see 1 or 2 files (may be three).One is the Template (you can see the file extension .xml) there may be note pad file and rarely you  get some folder of photos.The note pad file contains the Declaimer of the template Author. READ it carefully. The photos in the  mentioned folder should have uploaded before you upload the template to the Blogger.Author of the template  may mentioned this.Fortunately 90% of the templates come with precreated links for photos so you don't  need to worry about them.

After you uncompressed,
Login to your Blogger Account Blogger dashboard

Button in dashboard menu

Now click Edit HTML link


Click Browse button and select the template you have downloaded (the .xml file)

Then  Click Upload button.

There may be a warning message saying that your new template may not include following can choose keep them or delete them .
Confirm and Save.

Now your blogger template is up and running.

How to create web pages?


You have to use HTML Editor/Web page creator. Most popular HTML Editors/Web page creators in the market are Adobe Dreamweaver and Ms Front Page. You can use a free and Open Source HTML Editor/Web page creator like Kompozer to create your files. Creating a Simple site can be easily done by any software above as easy as creating a Ms Word file. But if you are going to create a professional/commercial use site. The language is also some what advance. if you are beginner. It may be useless to buy commercial software like Dreamviewer .try using Kompozer.when you are going to be a proffesional.Buy one of them.
You can get complete series of HTML beginner’s lessons by clicking this link.

What is HTML Editor/Web page creator?


HTML Editor/Web page creator is the software which is used to create HTML files/Web pages. The very first HTML Editors/Web page creators like have to write every command line. But Modern editors are now in GUI (Graphical User Interface).So you can use these editors to create web pages and they automatically create the html tags. You can create a web page as you compose a word document. How ever the simplest editor is NOTE Pad and even with Microsoft word you can create web pages. Most popular HTML Editors/Web page creators in the market are Adobe Dreamweaver and Ms Front Page. You can use a free and Open Source HTML Editor/Web page creator likes Kompozer to create your files.

[What] is HTML?


HTML(Hyper Text Marckup Language) is the language of the WWW(World Wide Web).There are 4 versions now since that started.The Server and the Browser Communicates and send the page using this language.So that you have to write your web page by one of the versions of this language.The latest edition of this is XHTML.
The HTML files can be recognised easily by checking the extention. .htm, .html .shtml .xml....etc.But every version differs very much few with others.Every Html document have two parts.The text included to the web site and the formating tags where the decorations and the styles are described.However the newer versions of the  HTML  use CSS (Cascading Styles Sheet) for styles which can do more than normal html tags.Html file should start <html> and ended with </html>.

How to Open “Office 2007” files in “Office 2003”?


This is being a common issue nowadays. Imagine one of your friends clients mail you a very Important Word 2007 document to your Pc which has Office 2003.Ofice 2007 use new file formatting/extension .Old office 2007 uses .docx,.pptx and .xlsx instead of .doc , .xls and .ppt.The new file system took lesser space than old one but it still new. If the sender knows that you are using office 2003 it has some possibility to send you the file using old format. But if he/she doesn’t have the third eye. Pity you.
Ok don’t phone and blame on him. Here s the solution.

Go to the location where the file saved.

Now choose Organize or directly the Files and Folder options /Files and Search Options (in vista and windows 7) from the menu bar of the windows explorer.

The dialog box appears. Choose view tab and find the check box of Hide extensions for known file types.
Uncheck it(it is checked by default but if you  changed this setting before, leave it)

Click OK

You will see the extension of the files (in this case .docx).Right click and Rename the extension (.docx) to .doc.

Hit Enter and now it will be easily opened with Word 2003.

Microsoft has released small programme for Office 2003 users for opening Office 2007 documents.  Click here to Download  and you never need any other conversions

What a simple. But there might be some errors in the document you have converted if it used Word 2007 formatting. 
There is a solution for that too.

Login to   and upload your document (which is going to convert)

Choose the format you need the document to be converted (there is every File Format you can imagine)

Give your email address.

You will receive the link via email to download your document in required format.
Isn’t it cool?
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