How to Install template? (Part 2)


I told you about how to find a right blogger template for you in my How to Install template? (Part 1) lesson. You may have already downloaded the template now.
Lets install it now

Follow Most Simple Guide to Install your Favorite Blogger Template

Most of templates you downloaded from the Web are compressed to a ZIP file.therefore you will have to Extract /Unzip your files.
Then you will see 1 or 2 files (may be three).One is the Template (you can see the file extension .xml) there may be note pad file and rarely you  get some folder of photos.The note pad file contains the Declaimer of the template Author. READ it carefully. The photos in the  mentioned folder should have uploaded before you upload the template to the Blogger.Author of the template  may mentioned this.Fortunately 90% of the templates come with precreated links for photos so you don't  need to worry about them.

After you uncompressed,
Login to your Blogger Account Blogger dashboard

Button in dashboard menu

Now click Edit HTML link


Click Browse button and select the template you have downloaded (the .xml file)

Then  Click Upload button.

There may be a warning message saying that your new template may not include following can choose keep them or delete them .
Confirm and Save.

Now your blogger template is up and running.